Sunday, April 26, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 14: Coming to an end

I can't believe this class is almost over... time flies... I really enjoyed Indian Epics and glad I took this class. We recently just nominated for the best storybooks and portfolios. I thought everyone did a great job and I'm glad I saw the ones I really liked won as one the the favorite projects. Everyone is so creative with their work! It's amazing!

Well... this week is going to be DEAD week. The worst week of all semesters in college... I am so not ready for exams or anything like that. My first exam is my capstone class this Thursday and I guess I'm ready? I'm more worried about my China Art of Warfare class... that class is so hard especially for an elective. Anyways... it will all be over soon and the week after that will be finals and graduation. I am so ready to be done with school.

I am looking for a job right now. I got a few calls back but still waiting for an answer and seeing if they pay enough. It sucks that college graduates don't get paid a lot but heyI guess we need more experience. I'm still debating on going to grad school and getting a masters degree but I don't know what degree I should get. I don't think I want to do political science anymore.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my college past since I'm about to graduate. I thought about changing my major and if I worked harder in school I would have probably done better or won't have to struggle. When I started out college, I was so passionate about being a political science major but after graduating with a political science degree. I felt like it wasn't worth it... this is my opinion though. It's so hard to find a good paying job with a political science degree honestly. Unless you are for sure going to law school then it is a good major to get into but other than that. it's really hard to find a good paying job. Political science had taught me to become a better writer and learn to do more critical thinking and analyzing. I also learned to not be bias and listen to both sides during debates but really... I just got tired of all it. In the end.. it's all about being passionate about what you're doing.


  1. Hey Christine,
    Time really does fly! It seems like not too long ago I was still trying to figure out how the assignments and blog posts worked every week. I really enjoyed this class and thought the experience was well worth it. I have an exam every day except Friday during finals week and I feel like that’s going to be miserable.

  2. Christine, I can totally relate to how you feel! I am a European History major, and as I graduate sometimes I think, wow...was this all worth it? Like Political Science, it was a lot of reading and writing, and now I'm not sure what to do with my major. Still, I enjoyed learning about European History. I think it made me a much more open minded person. Good luck with finals! I have my Capstone presentation this's really stressing me out. Hope yours goes well!
